There are situations in life when individual standouts simply do not belong together - for instance, Kobe and Shaq on the same team, fish-flavored ice cream, or a Benny Hill soundtrack dubbed over Friday the 13th.
Such is the case with something we call "overcoordination." Matching a tee with your sneakers, or a hat with a belt and so on and so forth is all well and good - encouraged, even - but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Therefore, as a public service to our lovely, faithful readers (that's you), here is an example of an outfit not unlike one that we saw on our lunch break this afternoon.
It's plain to see that each item in and of itself is dope enough to be sold by the gram, but too much of a good thing can lead to a bad time for all - remember, you're assaulting our poor eyes as well. So please be mindful of your peers this weekend, imbibe in relative moderation and coordinate responsibly. And check out the latest Karmaloop goodness here!