Orange County
Brandon at Triumvir wrote in to school us on the inspiration behind the World Tour and highly-anticipated Civil War spring collections, namely Julius Caesar’s personal death squad, the 13th Legion.
“Legio XIII was [Caesar’s] personal and most decorated
legion during his campaigns in Gaul
Brandon noted that the cities
and dates printed on the back of the World Tour Raglan, Slim Hood and Tee are
the actual battles fought by the 13th Legion during its active,
blood-soaked run in ancient Rome.
Following a decisive victory at Pompey, the unit was disbanded until called
upon again to wreak havoc over the Conservative Republican Army at the Battle
of Thapsus and the Battle of Munda. Those two brutal victories, which saw
Caesar return to Rome
“In my mind,” Brandon
The legion of Triumvir heads should keep both eyes open for the March premier of the Civil War line… we caught ourselves a sneak preview and all we can say is, well… the die is cast… Triumvir is coming, Triumvir’s all-seeing, Triumvir conquers.
Check out more of Triumvir at Karmaloop here.