If there are two things this city isn't short on, it is musicians and hipsters. On May 3rd, the two will come together at the Otherside Cafe for a cause higher than a PBR fix. SMAA, Student Musicians Against Aids, is a group of Berklee students who are raising awareness for the growing AIDs epidemic by using their talents and musical strength to raise money for the cause. This time, the show will include a fashion show including yours truly, Limited Apparel Boston and Bias Designs and will feature tons of local artistic talent and our friends at LAB spinning the decks. There are a limited number of $20 student tickets and others @ $25 available @ Karmaloop on Newbury, the Otherside Cafe or Limited Apparel and the money is going straight to Lifelovers, an AIDs education group in Ghana, and the ABC Orphanage, an AIDs shelter in Swaziland. It will also get you appetizers, two drinks, and the company of the compassionate, talented weirdoes you normally try to avoid.
For more info, check out: www.myspace.com/berkeesmaa.