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Wow, i had no idea Pharell was a Louis Vuitton representative. I know that he is a fashion starter and he help bring back Trucker Hats. But for the younger generation trying to afford Louis Vuitton thats going to be hard.


seriously... it was obvious he had wrong tastes after this whole ugly ice cream/bape thing and he's now working for the most reactionary and bourgeois brand? hip hop is dead and pharell should just stop now and shut up. especially after his last album.

Royalty Free Beats For One Dollar

Royalty Free Beats For One Dollar




Wow my boy Pharrell is doing big things it's immpossible to hate on him

Steven Buonanno (aka:itailian mafia)

GO PHARRELL!!!!!!!!!!! i can afford ur shit!!!! im 16 bitches!!!!!!!

Steven Buonanno (aka:itailian mafia)

GO PHARRELL!!!!!!!!!! keep it on!!! im 16 and i acn afford ur shit!! make ur boy proud!

Billionaire boy

This man is destined for even bigger and better things again u watch, everything he does seems to turn out to perfection, i reckon hes from the future or some super smart interllect even when he was in n.e.r.d and spoke about the name of the band and what it represents with energy and matter and the universe and stuff, hes awesum... and have a look at the louis vuitton website they are talking botu space travel and all that kind of stuff, the stuff that pharrell is into, the man is so influential even in his music and music videos u get little hints. the intergalatic artists.. yessur!


this article has some mistakes because Pharrell doesn't skate. If you ever seen him skate you'll know that he sucks. you cant call yourself a skater if you suck at it, but other then that the millionaire sunglasses are hot. big ups to pharrell, nigo, and louis vuitton on releasing these $1000 sunglasses. reselling here i come easy 2 grand.

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Karmaloop Boston Grand Opening Party

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    Karmaloop Boston's ( 160 Newbury Street ) grand opening party at Underbar on Thursday, November 17 2005 was dope! Reebok was the chief sponsor of the event and Reebok folks were out in full force! Red Bull and Triple Five Soul were additional sponsors of the two fabulous VIP sections where many of their respective crews were nesting around the small tables laden with bottles.

Questlove and Karmaloop.com

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Masquerade Ball & Fashion Show

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Shriiimp Graffiti

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